Reflections on LJ Smith

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     April 20, 2004:  So sorry guys but for now there's nothing new that I can add to this site.  I'm fulfilling math and science requirements for my associates degree and trying to keep my grade point average up to transfer.  It's not easy.  I'm an English major.  I can discuss the reliability of the narrator in James' Turn of the Screw.  Quadratic equations are not so easy.  In any case, I'm not giving up or closing down the site because I still have hope for it.  I'm just not sure when it's going to be finished.  If you'd like to help it along though, you can always  contribute something.

Thanks for having patience

-Keep submitting your ideas,
comments and contributions.  Have a question?   E-mail me.
Reflections on L.J. Smith
Since 05/30/02
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Purpose:  Also known as the sites explanation of existance
Intro to LJS:  Resources for Newbies and Where to Purchase Books
Navigating the LJS Web:  Let me answer your questions
Who's Who:  Exploring each of LJ's main characters, from both The Night World and Series
Coupled:  My soulmate analysis includes couples from both the Night World and series
Essays on LJ:  Essays on the characters, subjects and themes of LJ's Work
For Fun:  After all that serious analyzing it's time for a break
Linking to Me:  How to link back to me
Continuing the Journey:  Links to other interesting LJS sites
About Me:  Just in case you're interested